Teaching People How to Chart Their Cycles With Confidence
Ditch hormonal birth control for good & feel good in the skin you’re in

Ready to learn the magic behind the Fertility Awareness Method?
To be clear: Despite what you may have heard, no witchcraft is involved in FAM 😉. It’s pure science, baby. Proven, tested, trusted science.
The MAGIC lies in the fact that it’s a birth control method centred entirely around following your body’s natural rhythm.
It is a method to help you identify your fertile window – or the time in your cycle when conception is possible. This means that you can avoid pregnancy with no adverse side effects 🤯 only a deep connection with your cycle and safe, reliable contraception (99% effective, btw.)
Sound too good to be true? I can guarantee you it’s not! This is not your grand-mothers rhythm method.
With Fertility Awareness, contraception is in your own hands. You are the only one who gets a say in what happens with your body and birth control.
After all, with FAM, your body IS your birth control.

It's time to put your body & your wellness first. You ready?
Hey! I'm Jess Dzierbicki
Certified Sympto-Thermal Method Instructor and Fertility Awareness fan girl since 2016.
I teach women how to chart their menstrual cycles as a natural method of contraception so they can quit hormonal birth control for good.
When I started down the path of FAM, it seemed impossible to find a reliable and consistent source of advice & insights. The information was all over the place, and finding someone to turn to for support felt impossible.
Eventually, when I managed to decipher the research and realise all the lies I’d been told about my own body and just how much those synthetic hormones were impacting it… anxiety, depression, lower libido… I was pissed. I was dumbfounded. I was determined.
Determined to make it MUCH easier for the next woman to educate herself and find support in transitioning to a natural, hormone-free method of birth control.
And so here we are.

Certified Fertility Awareness Instructor with the Natural Family Planning Teachers Association of the United Kingdom.

The Charting With Confidence Group Course
Love the idea of learning the A-Zs of
FAM alongside other women doing the same?
Charting With Confidence is the place for you.

60-min Chart Review
Already charting but have some lingering questions you’d like answered? I’d love to help!
Bring your chart and get your questions answered in a single session!

Learn To Chart
1:1 Private Instruction
Like having a Certified FAM instructor in your pocket, 1:1 support will guide you through everything – from how to set up and read your chart to how to have the tough conversations
(and oh so much more.)
why i do what i do...
I feel so much more freedom and empowerment with understanding what’s going on with my body and having the ability to read the signs it gives me at different stages of my cycle. Working with Jess has been such a positive experience, she has so much knowledge to share and has formatted the course in a way that is easy to follow.
I now know what my body is doing and at what time in MY cycle! Being told for 10+ years that I was infertile due to no ovulation - Jess and I discovered that I do ovulate, my body just isn't "textbook" or "normal" as so many specialists have quoted to me before [...] Couldn't recommend Jess more; she's caring, empathetic and incredibly knowledgeable. Jess, if I could get back the tens of thousands of dollars I've spent on "specialists" over the years and give it all to you I would. You deserve every penny, the work you're doing is so important. Thank you, thank you, thank you 💜
I would absolutely recommend Jess as an instructor. She is professional in her approach, incredibly friendly and very approachable. I really enjoyed learning with Jess.
Charting felt daunting felt like there were so many puzzle pieces that you had to fit together, but Jess genuinely broke everything down to be extremely easy and digestible!
Get the Free E-book

charting essentials toolkit
This free eBook has been designed for anyone curious about charting or who wants to begin charting their menstrual cycle.
Either way, if you want to fall pregnant or avoid falling pregnant, this eBook will give you the 5 most important things I wish someone had told me before I began charting!
Pop your details below, and I’ll send the ebook your way.